Translating on Linux, the First Steps
Translating on Linux More than a year since my last post, that's really something! But never mind. Suffice it to say that life isn't always a bed of roses. In this post I'm going to write about my most recent experience with Linux. This isn't my first encounter with this operating system, more than a decade ago I bought a laptop without an operating system, so I put Linux on it, and I even went through the painstaking process of installing Oracle's Java on it so that I could use one of the more reliable CAT tools that worked on Linux at that time, namely Swordfish from Maxprograms. But that is history. Some three years ago I bought a low-end Lenovo Ideapad 100 laptop. I needed something for my daily ‘field trips’, and the previous piece of hardware started to fail. The laptop came with preinstalled Windows 10 which ran satisfactorily for about a year or so, even though it came bundled with Lenovo's bloatware and as a translator I also installed my set of t...